Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Vision #1 for this 100 day reality challenge - Season 2, Day 2

My vision is to co-create another job.
Sure, there's way more to co-create for this season, but the job is the biggie.
I have one summer left before I've got to have some major changes underway.
Baby's going to 1st grade in the fall, and I must have a day job that pays as
well as the night job.  I must be able to take him to school, pick him up, and
allow him to sleep in his own bed at night.  No more dropping him off at the
babysitter's house while I work all night and then be too tired for him during the
day.  You guys know how important these years are?
Well, so do I.  Ok Universe, I'm asking, do Your thing for us.

That's all for now.

peace and happy co-creating, everyone!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Speak it in your heart, mind , soul as well as into the universe and so shall it be! I speak it with you...........love ya girl!