Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Season 1, Day 15 - Joe Plumber and the Last Debate

Ok, this one is so loaded. It's 11:35 my time, and I don't even have the energy to go into discussing the debate. Matter of fact, I'll leave the politics for my VJBS blogsite. This site is for uplifting , elevating, and giving light and life to...

So I'm sending out a little positive energy to Joe, the plumber. I do have to say that Joe got so much coverage and publicity tonight, that he probably won't have to worry about business or being able to buy the company he's been working so hard for over the past ten to twelve - if I'm not mistaken - years. Nah, he should do just fine. He will do just fine. And the best part, he's "googlible" now.

Anyway, I'm tired. I'm going to bed now.
My physical for the **new job is tomorrow and I want to be well rested.

peace, journal.
To my readers, keep it light!
To Joe, I'm wishing you much success and prosperity. I truly hope you can see the blessings and opportunity in it all;-)

Nite, nite

**Manifestation / co-creation universe return

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